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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lucas is ONE!!!

So this post is a sentimental post for me...  Those of you who *know* me, know that one of my favorite things about photography is developing relationships with my clients.  I love being able to capture special memories of their family over time.  I especially love capturing moments from a baby's first year! 
Tonight's post is in honor of one such family! 
This family, I had the pleasure of meeting last April.  Marc and Wendy were anxiously awaiting their first little boy.  Wendy came to our session with ideas (which I always love!) and she and Marc were so obviously in love with each other and their little one on the way! 

Lucas was born a week earlier than expected, so I was able to take his newborn photos on Memorial Day, which was perfect seeing as his Mom and Dad serve in the military!  I was thrilled to be able to capture some extra special moments of little Lucas. 

I was excited to be able to do Lucas' 6 month photos and family shoot before Christmas.  I couldn't believe how much Lucas had grown and changed!!! 
Last weekend, I had the absolute pleasure of taking photos once again for this sweet family.  We decided that since Lucas LOVES to get into everything, we would do this special birthday shoot at his house where he is most comfortable. 
We started with some family shots and then we moved into the backyard for his smash cake session and a baby bath. He loved the cake! 

Happy First Birthday, Lucas!  I am so glad that I've had the pleasure of capturing these special moments of your first year! 

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